Some Things In Life Never Change
If you have received this letter, at least the post office is still working after the “millennium.” A week ago we were not quite sure what would be working and what would not after the first of the year. That is the way of life many times. Situations change and people change, and they sometimes seem to change in a heartbeat. Circumstances or situations that we find ourselves in can be a lot like the weather. We wake up in the morning to rain, but by afternoon the sun is shining again.
But there are some things in life that never change: God, His Word and His son, Jesus Christ. These are faithful, and they are the same day after day. In rain or in sunshine, in the cold of winter or in the heat of summer, God is always faithful to His Word. He never changes and in Him is no shadow of turning. We do not have to wonder if He will still be there when we get up in the morning or if speaking in tongues will still work next week. No matter what the new millennium brings, no situation or circumstance will change the promises in God’s wonderful Word. They will not change the nature of God nor cause His son to become unreliable.
Just as God has met our needs in the past, He will continue to do so. Just as He has kept His promises in the past ,back to the days of Adam, He will keep his promises in the years to come and beyond. Because we live in such uncertain times, it is comforting to know that our God is a solid rock, that His Word is sure, and that His son is a solid foundation upon which to build our lives.
All the rest of the world may or may not be in turmoil, but whatever the circumstances, we can be at peace on the inside. For God said by way of the prophet Isaiah:
Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness
quietness and assurance (a quiet confidence or serenity) for ever.
This righteousness that God gave us at the time of the new birth is not affected by clocks or the actions of people. It is permanent and it is genuine.
Many things in life may change, but because God is faithful to His Word, we can manifest that peace and quiet serenity on the inside in spite of the circumstances around us. God has truly given us a wonderful life. Peace in the midst of turmoil AND the hope of even better days yet to come with the return of Jesus Christ. What a life!